We had a fun and challenging photo shoot with our children the other night. Our goal was to get some good shots that we could use for our Christmas card this year. We were really excited how these turned out.
It was very challenging taking these pictures with a newborn and a 2-year old. Getting them to both cooporate at the same time and to keep our Maltese dog out of the shot too (he was so curious to what was going on).
These shots were taken in our living room. The children were sitting about 4 feet away from our Christmas tree, and I used my 70-200 telephoto lense and was in the kitchen about 8 feet away from the kids. The shots had a very small depth of field which gave the subject a sharp look while putting the tree and bacgkround out of focus as to not take away from the subject.
To throw the background out of focus you want to use a large aperature setting. I used a f/4.0 aperature and zoomed in on the subject which gave these nice effects.
These are adorable shots!! I am sure that being the kids of a photographer though they are very used to smiling when that camera comes out.
Thanks!! You are right on the money, it is funny Mason sees the camera come out and he starts saying cheese.
Now if only cheese meant to be calm and not jump around all over the place :)
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